NeoDic is a very useful English-Russian translator. It is really easy to use, you just have to open the "Dictionary" window and type the word in English, the program will show up the result in Russian, including various suggestions. There are 51308 English words included. Besides translating from the "Dictionary" window, you can utilize NeoDic in any other program window, e.g. Internet Explorer or Microsoft Word, just by moving the cursor over the word you wish to check and the translated result will appear in a context window. The program automatically installs an icon into the system tray, where you can enable/disable the program, open the "Dictionary" window and open the "Options" window. In the "Options" window you can customize the hot keys in order to activate the context translation and open the dictionary window; also you can modify options for the mouse, tool tip, and others, e.g. you can customize any font for the hint. Supported OS are Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Server, Vista, and Windows 7.
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